Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Title: 'A Personal Bill of Rights'

Title: 'BILL OF RIGHT' 6/Oil - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A.


1.   I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim a right to all those good times that I have longed for all these years and didn't get.

2.   I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim a right to joy in this life, right here, right now  not just as a momentary rush of euphoria, but something more substantive and permanent.

3.   I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim a right to relax and have fun in a non-toxic, non-shaming, and non-destructive way.

4.   I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim a right to actively pursue people, places, and situations that will help me in achieving a good life.

5.  I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to say no whenever I feel something is not safe or I am not ready.

6.  I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to not participate in either the active or passive "crazy-making" behaviour of any family members, or others.

7.  I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to take calculated risks and to experiment with new strategies.

8.  I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to change my tune, my strategy, and my funny equations.

9.  I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to 'mess up'; to make mistakes, to 'blow it', to disappoint myself, and to fall short of the mark.

10. I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to leave the company of people who deliberately or inadvertently put me down, lay a guilt trip on me, manipulate or humiliate me, including any toxic/abusive/shaming parent, any non-toxic parent, or any other relative.

11. I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to put an end to conversations with people who make me feel put down and humiliated.

12. I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to all my feelings.

13. I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to trust my own feelings, my own judgement, my own hunches, my own intuition, concerning my life, even above those of others.

14. I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to develop myself as a whole person emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, and psychologically.

15. I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to express all my feelings in a non-destructive way and at a safe time and place.

16. I (Rev.Bola) do have and claim the right to as much time as I need to experiment with new information and new ideas and to initiate changes in my life.

17. I (Rev.Bola) have and claim the right to sort out the bill of goods my parents sold me, to take the acceptable and dump the unacceptable.

18. I (Rev.Bola) have a right to a mentally healthy, sane way of existence, though it may deviate in part, or all, from my parents' own prescribed philosophy of life.

19. I (Rev.Bola) have a right to carve out my place in this world.

20. I (Rev.Bola) have do have and claim the right to financial abundance and security in this life, right here, right now, not just as a momentary rush of luck, but something more substantive and permanent.

21. I (Rev.Bola) have a right to follow any of the above rights, to live my life the way I want to, and to not wait until a toxic/shaming  parent gets well, gets happy, seeks help, or admits, acknowledges or

permits anything. 
22. I (Rev.Bola) am choosing to accept these beliefs as the truth,  and I thank God that S/He has made it so.
                                        AND SO IT IS!     

Now it's your turn, use these statements freely to claim your God given rights.

love x Rev.Bola