Title: 'WINTER SERENITY' /C.Penc (From Art Collection) by Rev.Bola |
I know little of who you are.
I know little of your plan.
I can understand only specks of your power.
I cannot begin to comprehend all of what you are.
But this I know.
You do not give love, you are love.
You do not project beauty, you are beauty.
You do not allow hope, you are hope.
You do not lend strength, you are strength.
All that is good is your gift.
All that is bad is the consequence of our attempts to reject or mould you.
The solutions to my problems, my fears, and my shame are all found in you.
All things I wish to be come from my desire to be closer to you.
I see you every time I see the light shining through a tree.
I see you every time a sunset or mountain vista takes my breath away.
I hear you every time I open myself to the wonder of life.
I feel you every time my heart fills with joy and love.
I doubt you only when I allow fear, greed, and selfishness
To assume the power to control me.
I know that if I allow you in my life I feel peace.
When I embrace you I feel love.
When I seek you I find strength.
Father, show me the way to serenity so that I may be of help to others.
Show me the way to responsibility so that I may give to others.
Mother, show me the path to compassion so that I may comfort others.
Show me the path to healing so I may help others heal themselves.
Grandfather, show me the road to wisdom so that I may teach others.
Show me the road to strength so that I may
Carry others until they can carry themselves.
Grandmother, show me how to feel love so that I may love others.
Show me forgiveness so that I may forgive myself and others.
God, help me remove the blinders of self-will.
Help me see what is true.
Teach me so that I can be of service.
Free me from fear, from hate, from greed, from discontent, from jealousy
So that I may contribute myself to your work.
Allow me to see what you would have me do
And grant me the strength to follow through.
Without you I am empty.
With you at my side I am whole.
Amen! So it is!
Thank you for making it possible for me to make this request.
Thank you for hearing and thanks in advance for the solution.
With Infinite Peace,
Love and Light from......Rev.Bola A
PS. Our Special Thanks To --- serenityfound.org